LegalWise Vector Search

Vector search is a technology that allows searches to be made over large quantities of documents using semantic meaning. It works by converting the content of the documents into a vector space, and then using mathematical operations to find the most relevant documents to a given query. By using vector search, we can search for cases that are similar to a given query, and find the most relevant cases to a given query.

Our system is built on a database of legal documents, allowing for rapid contextual searches across millions of cases. For example, searching for "The concept of tort" will return cases that are similar to the concept of tort, not just cases that include those words.

LegalWise Vector Search is made possible thanks to the invaluable work of the Court Listener team, who have gathered and structured the case law data that powers our search capabilities.

About LegalWise.AI

LegalWise.AI is focused on building tools that surface legal information more quickly and accurately in cases where thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of documents are involved. We specialize in working with law firms directly to do a myriad of types of case analysis. In the process of building out our internal tools, we've found the need to produce a database of high quality opinion embeddings for case law analysis and have made them available to search through this website. We hope that you find this free service useful and will consider reaching out if you need assistance with more complex analysis.